howdy and happy presidents day to you.
this is my favorite day of the year. stock exchange holidays are nifty in that banks will close for anything, but pretty much all the people who get off the real holidays are usually at work on stock exchange holidays like today.
not to gloat about your servitude, i think you're the bomb, i truly do. it's just that i'm approaching burnout at a delirious pace and i needed this holiday. i really did.
i want to point out that due to the fact that you're off for christmas, thanksgiving, the fourth of july, kwaanza, etcetera ad naseum, i generally need to be around. that's when my peeps' peeps come home to roost, and that means missed opportunity and bad service if i wasn't there to see them.
so, today is a nice change of pace for people in my business. it comes halfway through tax time when we all need a breather. for everyone else, it's business as usual, sort of our dirty white collar secret. bankers and brokers join hands and cry, we will not shame our forefathers by lifting a dollar today. nay! today, in deep admiration of their work, we shall laze about unshowered watching jerry springer. they reared a nation, we raise it and the stakes are high.
and it looks like i'll spend my day making spring break plans. the kids were not excited about disney, at all. that went over like a dildo at church.
alex said, "nah, let's go to legoland, legoland!!" dread, i do not want to drive to california.
then true chimed in, "no, i want to go asia for the chinese new year! we can drive up to alaska and take the land bridge over."
and here i was thinking i was mom of the year for offering to take them to the happiest place on earth? pardon moi. do you think they could get excited about velociman's snake roundup if i promise them we might get to see a redneck die?
the land bridge? sheesh, how can i possibly compete with that?
Posted by shoe at February 19, 2007 09:26 AM | TrackBackHoney, you laze around all you want. Hell yeah! Second..on the brotherly's probably sincere. Odd as it sounds, they appreciate those ass's sorta like self defense lessons. The older makes sure the younger can take care of themselves in case the older isn't around. Oddly enough, as well, that makes our eldest children sometimes better parents than us. But that's a whole other subject altogether.
Anyhoo, if you go the Fla. route and want a kid friendly place to rest your weary bones, give me a holler.
Happy President's Day!
Posted by: Kelly at February 19, 2007 10:19 AMVelociman knows whereof he speaks. Perfect entertainment for the whole family. (And it's so convenient to the main post at Fort Stewart, just a short 25-mile trek down a well-worn tank trail.)
Posted by: Bob at February 19, 2007 11:59 AMChinese New Year is over . . . but Alaska, I'd do that.
Posted by: oddybobo at February 19, 2007 12:45 PMYour kids don't want to go to Disneyland? WTF? That's unbelievable. If you go to Florida, there's a tour at the Kennedy Space Center. Also Sea World in Orlando as well as Disney. Plus Universal Studios. Busch Gardens in Tampa.
Land bridge to Asia. Gotta love 'em.
Posted by: Denny at February 19, 2007 12:51 PMI have it on good authority from exec here that Legoland got a fat "Is that it?!" from his youngin's. Perhaps they were all too short for the cool rides.
Posted by: LauraN at February 19, 2007 01:12 PMDinosaur World?
Weeki Wachi Springs?
maybe they'd prefer Oktoberfest in Munich?
go with that one.
Posted by: RSM at February 19, 2007 06:47 PMI don't you should bring them to Claxton. Don't get me wrong, Shoe...I'd love to see all of you again. I just suspect that my Super Mullet powers might be diluted by the too-cool kids. And they'd probably get me grounded, too. (Can I play with the helicopter again?)
Posted by: zonker at February 20, 2007 10:14 AMTake them to Eric's. Bou's kids had a good time with him.
Posted by: Denny at February 20, 2007 01:29 PM