November 17, 2005

ya'll tawk funny

here are some common locales in and about texas. those coming to the blogmeet in april will likely find yourself lost at some point or another, and will need to interpret the locals. repeat after me:
Koenig Burnet Pedernales reimar's draught house Leakey Gruene chou chope
although i struggle with that last one. sure has been fun hearing other people butcher it. nah, i'm a giving person and i've been withholding. and do practice my hotel is across the street from PF Chang's. just looking out for ya'll. ok, here we go:
Kay-nig Burn-it Purr-duh-nah-less rhymer's draft house lake-ee Green shoe shop
texans, which others did i forget? ya'll be good, and practice now..don't want to lose you.

Posted by shoe at November 17, 2005 07:13 AM | TrackBack