August 07, 2005

it ain't just a river in egypt...

what's the most unhealthy emotion? anyone?? the little white lie of inward truths? i'm guessing denial, that comfortable fuzzy warm emotion...fuck reality, i will believe what i want..

denial is a fabulous seaside see the sharks in the water, but you still long to've got spf 80 on the sunniest day in hawaii.. no harm's coming your're insulated, invincible, bullet proof...

ah, sweet denial...allowing the obese to enjoy chocolate cake...allowing the working stiffs to drink and blog till dawn...allowing capitalism to rocket on without a glimpse of reason...sweet sweet denial..keeping families on speaking terms for generations...

i think i should wish that my own reckless denial is merely a natural codependency between the angel and the devil inside (assuming they're both represented) ...and although i arrogantly peruse my surroundings and feel certain that i'm healthier than know? then i realize, i'm probably in denial...

Posted by shoe at August 7, 2005 09:55 PM | TrackBack